What to Do after Motorcycle Accidents in New York City , Brooklyn, and Manhattan

Because motorcyclists are less well-protected by their vehicles than car, truck, and bus passengers, they are more likely to sustain serious injuries in a crash. Per vehicle, motorcycle accidents are also more frequent than accidents involving other vehicles. The upshot of these facts is that motorcycle riders need to prepare themselves for accidents, whether in New York City boroughs such as Brooklyn and Manhattan or elsewhere. Some general advice regarding what to expect from an accident and what to do in response can therefore be extremely helpful.

Motorcycle Accidents : Some Common Scenarios

One reason that motorcycles are so popular in New York City is that they are more efficient for commuting. Traffic and fuel cost concerns are mitigated significantly by motorcycle ownership. Unfortunately, the same factor that creates these advantages – the smaller size and profile of the vehicle – contributes to the elevated risk that motorcyclists face on the road. When other motorists fail to notice a motorcycle, accidents are sometimes the unfortunate result. Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the rest of New York City are filled with people in a hurry, and this attitude contributes as well.

Motorcycle accidents sometimes occur when a motorcyclist is run off the road, when either the rider or the other vehicle disobeys traffic signals and other safety guidelines, or when a car steers in front of an oncoming motorcycle or one attempting to pass. Sometimes, motorcycle riders lose control and go down in the middle of the road, creating serious hazards. Occasionally, pedestrians also fail to notice motorcycles on the road, and they may inadvertently walk in front of an oncoming rider. All of these possibilities mean that the motorcycle rider must be extremely aware of his or her surroundings at all times.

Contact a Motorcycle Accidents Lawyer Serving New York City , Brooklyn, and Manhattan

For many motorcycle riders, accidents seem impossible until they happen. These individuals are frequently unprepared for the results. If you have been involved in motorcycle or auto accidents, contact a lawyer serving New York City, including Brooklyn and Manhattan, today.