New York OSHA Construction Accident Laws

Construction worker safety is protected by federal law under regulations set by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration). If unsafe conditions cause a worker’s injury, the employer responsible for creating the environment must compensate the worker for his or her medical bills, pain, suffering, and lost wages. Laws vary by state, so if you live in New York, contact local construction accident lawyers to learn more about the laws that apply to you.

  • Employee Rights under OSHA
  • Employer Responsibilities under OSHA

Employee Rights under OSHA

Employees have the right to a safe workplace, even when they work in hazardous environments such as construction sites. The law entitles New York construction workers to the following protections:

The right to review current health and safety standards.

A detailed list of standards should be available at the workplace. If you cannot find such a list or do not want to ask for one, you may instead speak with New York construction accident lawyers about the current standards.

The right to access relevant employee exposure and medical records.

You have the right to know what you are being exposed to. One of the best ways to determine your exposure levels is by reviewing your health records.

The right to access relevant employee exposure and medical records.

You have the right to know what you are being exposed to. One of the best ways to determine your exposure levels is by reviewing your health records.
The right to request an OSHA inspection.

If you believe that OSHA standards are being violated in your workplace or if you are working in hazardous conditions, an OSHA compliance officer will visit the construction site and carry out an inspection.

The right to file an anonymous complaint.

When you sign and file a written complaint, no one will ever have to know who originated it. You may request that your name be withheld from your employer.

The right to file a complaint without penalty.

If you choose to file a complaint against your employer, you are protected by law against any discrimination or retaliation that may result. If discrimination or retaliation occurs, your employer will be subject to even harsher penalties.

Employer Responsibilities under OSHA

Employers are responsible for providing reasonably safe conditions for their workers. No one should be permitted to work in an unnecessarily dangerous environment. Under OSHA’s safety standards, employers have the following responsibilities:

The responsibility to eliminate recognized hazards from the work environment.

Once a hazard is recognized, it must be addressed to keep other employees from needlessly injuring themselves.

The responsibility to educate employees about OSHA standards and prominently display the official OSHA poster.

This poster describes employees’ rights and responsibilities under the 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act.

The responsibility to construct a written hazard communication program for workplace safety.

This system should include job-specific safety standards and an employee training program.

The responsibility to make medical and exposure records freely available to employees.

With this information, employees can keep track of their work’s impact on their health. Employers must make these records available to employees upon request.

Ask New York Construction Accident Lawyers about Your Case

If you believe that your employer is violating OSHA regulations or if you have been injured on the job at a construction site, please contact New York construction accident lawyers as soon as possible. Special laws may pertain to your personal injury case and it is important that you seek professional legal advice. Ask an attorney about your construction accident today.